Former Triangle Ferret Lovers club (NC) Tabitha Kilker needs advice:
Mabeline - 3.8 yo female, MF
Molly - 3 est. yo female
Daisy - 3 est. yo female
All have grown up together.
About one month ago, after a 3-some bath, Mabeline was aggressive to Daisy.
Only lasted for a couple of days.
Last weekends' 3-some bath, Mabeline has to be separated from Daisy due to
extreme aggressive-ness.  Mabeline bites Daisy's ear, neck, face.  Linatone
or Bitter Apple application to the neck is not working.  Ferrets need to be
separated - Mabeline cannot be trusted alone with other ferrets.
No physical signs of adrenal gland tumor (yeah, I know this is not fail-
proof), but what else?   Adrenal gland ttmor, ear infection or what?
Also, Tabitha needs a recommendation of a ferret-wise vet near or in
Birmingham, Alabama.
Please respond to me asap, and I will forward your response to Tabitha.
Shari Gunter
Newsletter Editor
Triangle Ferret Lovers Club, North Carolina
[Posted in FML issue 2244]