I am happy to say that we are proudly owned by 2 fuzzies as of yesterday we
purchasd a Silver Female with dark red eyes that with the light change
colors, the pet store workers told us that she is 6 weeks old but our main
concern is that she still has stiches on her tummy from where she wa spayed
and also a set of stiches on her anus from where she was descented so it is
my belief that she is not really 6 weeks and maybe she is younger because I
have heard that the ferret farms do spay/neuter & descent there babies at a
very young age I believe that she may be just 4 or 5 weeks old rather than 6
or 7 like they say I was wondering if the stiches have to be removed by a
vet or will it fall off?  also my other concern was that when ever our older
ferret CJ who is about 25 weeks old play with the baby CJ seems to become
very agressive and tries to drag the baby off somewhere which worries me
cause of the babys stiches.  so the are only allowed to play in 10 min or
less intervals maybe 3 or 4 times a day is that enough play time for them to
bond?  or maybe should I give them a little more time with one another more
Tanks David denise Cj Sierra & Baby
[Posted in FML issue 2244]