Okay I really did it now!!  I've been behind on the FML's so I said ah I'll
play Ketch-up (he he) when I have some time.... Well now I really did it!!!!
I accidentally deleted all that was there.  Big disappointment is I will end
up missing some stories but what I would really like to know is how did the
bite incident of the infant end up.... All I got was that the ferret is now
in good care... So as you can see I know about the bite and about the new
home just never got to read the in-between stuff.  Please send my some
information.  Oh, I did get to see the piece that Channel 38 did in
Massachusetts area..  I thought that they gave a lot of good information
such as No animal should be left alone with a child, or visa versa and that
they are a lot of work.  Just one thing I didn't like is that they opened up
the whole segment on the bite incident but never went further on it, such as
what is now happening with ferret or that things were still in question.
Other items::
-Bandit will now make a lot of noise when I clean out his right ear.  He
 just squirms a little with the left but that is it...  It doesn't matter
 which one I do first.  I'm very worried about his behavior....  I'm not
 going in to deep either just I do know that he constantly has goop in that
 ear.  Has this problem happened to anyone else??
-Okay my other item is my little girl Tess (Female, MF, fixed and
 descented/only way they can be sold in my state) has been smelling like a
 real skunk!!  Now I don't know why but she smells something terrible... I
 don't ever over bath or anything... Bedding (changed every 2 days) and
 litter box (emptied 2X's a day and scrubbed 1X weekly) are always clean,
 there room is much cleaner then the whole house!!  Now I only have 2
 ferrets and Bandit has never smelled like this...... I mean I feel like I
 just drove by a skunk dead on the road... (Sorry but this is the only way
 I feel that I can describe it)
[Posted in FML issue 2242]