I want to make sure I have thanked everyone for their help during the
aftermath of the Cleveland bite incident.
Thank you to those who called, faxed, emailed or wrote to various media,
both in Cleveland and in your own areas, urging them to provide balanced
reporting.  Thank you to those who sent positive comments to the city
officials, especially the Cleveland City Kennel, who was amazed by your
polite and cordial messages.  Thank you to those who sent their support to
me and Jean; your good wishes kept us going.  Special thanks to Beth
Comarow, who is my anchor and who forwarded messages to a wider audience.
Phoenix is adjusting just fine to his new life with Jean.  He is the typical
happy dooking war dancing ferret!
Phoenix has been granted this second chance of life largely due to Jean's
prior relationship and calm and careful handling of the people at Animal
I recommend all ferret shelters and clubs cultivate good relationships with
your area shelters BEFORE something happens.  Visit your local humane
societies, pounds etc.  Make sure you visit the private ones as well as
those run by the municipalities.  Take your business card and some brochures
on ferret care.  If you are a shelter, tell them they can refer people.
Express appreciation for the work they do, EVEN if you disagree with some of
their policies.  DON'T lecture at them.  Remember they are doing the best
they can with what they have to work with.  Visit every few months, but
don't be a pest!
Remember a good relationship NOW can save a ferret's life LATER!
And finally, many people have offered to adopt Phoenix.  Part of the
agreement releasing him to Jean stipulated that he remain in her cusody.
Be assured he will be well loved and spoiled there!  However, there are
many ferrets at ferret shelters around the country who are no less
deserving of a good home than Phoenix.  Contact a shelter near you for
information on giving one of these fuzzies a home.
Linda Iroff
North Coast Ferret Shelter West
[Posted in FML issue 2242]