Product:  Super Pet Latrine.  Retail at $7.99 at your local pet shop.
Use: Potty perfectly suited for those small female whippet shaped ferrets
and ferret kits.
The Super Pet Latrine has been a life saver for me when it came to getting
Miss Jingles adjusted to living here at my house.  (Jingles is a shelter
rescue) She didn't like those triangle pans.  and she wouldn't climb over
the sides of the regular cat box to do her thing out of the cage.  I went to
my local pet store one day (a small store, but they do have some things for
ferrets there) and found this small square latrine.  While it isn't the best
for those ferrets who like to stick their butts way into the corner to do
their thing, it works great for the smaller ferrets.
This box is about 18" long, about 6" high and has a cut out about 2" off the
ground that makes it easy for a ferret to get in and out for the box with a
little ramp going down to the poop area.  It holds about a 1/2" of litter,
which is perfect for a ferret.
Other use: It comes with a removable plastic guard around the edge, for use
as a pool for your iguana.
Miss Jingles on the Latrine: I love this box.  Its easy for me to get in and
out.  I just wish Stanley & Julian would stop trying to scratch it to death.
Nadine & the Nutz
Stanley, Amos, Miss Jingles & Julian
[Posted in FML issue 2241]