Mike Janke wrote:
>Beasley and Spaz have free run of our place and they always come around
>when the alarm goes off in the morning.
When we first got our little girl, our mattress sat on the floor, so the
alarm clock did, too (she only had run of the bedroom, as it was the only
room we could ferret-proof).  When the alarm went off the first time, we hit
snooze, got up & let her out.  Funny thing is, she very quickly learned how
to shut up that noisy alarm clock - she walked over and stood on it, hitting
the snooze button in the process!  <g>
Now, Jim's favorite time with her is after he wets his hair in the morning -
he stands outside the tub, turns the shower on, and puts his head under the
water.  Pixie knows the routine, and stands at his feet, waiting...as soon
as the water is on, he puts a little on his feet, which she licks off...when
he's done, he picks her up, and she drys off his shoulders (getting a good
drink in the process).
Her favorite time with me is when I go to bed early (while she's still out) -
she climbs up on the bed and plays "attack the feet" - sometimes over the
blanket, sometimes between the blanket & the sheet, and some- times under
the sheet (depending on how mischevious she feels at that moment <g>).  I
swear she "hunts" them...she crouches down, and kind of stalks along, then
POUNCES on them, taking the big toe in her mouth and pretending to bite
it... Don't know why I bother to go to bed early - I never get any sleep!  I
guess it's true, these little guys sure know how to train us, don't they?
Debbie & Jim
Pixie (The one in charge)
[Posted in FML issue 2239]