Okay okay, you'd think I was sick and tired of forking out for film and
developing - actually I am, but haven't got that digital camera yet!!  Some
more pictures of the kits, finally :o) Slinkys are starting to look like
REAL ferrets now!!  The photos were taken a few days back now, at four and a
half weeks.  The little sable girl had one eye partially open and the
rest... well - still closed!  (Note, they're now over five weeks, the sable
girl and one of the pale girls have open eyes and the rest are still closed -
go figure.)  Anyway, they're really starting to show their colour now -
well, I think so <g> We'll see in the next few weeks how the colour goes.
Babys kits are getting into trouble.  They've learned how to climb, and
chew feet, and slide, and chomp toes, and they've all learned how to scare
the living heck out of me already!!  <sigh> Actually, they aren't THAT
bad... <g> they don't really chew my hands as much now (thank heavens,
cause Slinkys kits have started!!) so it's only a matter of time before the
toe chew settles... I hope!  It's easier to stand still for hand chewing
than toe nibbling!
Anyway, back on the subject at hand - the little terrors <BG> have had their
site updated, and if you wanna go take a look at them, they're at:
I've put a little pic of my outdoor cage on the front page.  Because it's
outside and therefore there's a risk of meeting 'dogs' etc, I don't risk
unvaccinated ferrets and kits out there, but my three sprites have a ball
in it.  Even with only minimal rain there's enough long grass and dirt in
that cage to last them a lifetime <g>
Okay, I've got another film here... time to start looking for more photo
opportunities <g>
 Ferrets are my life
 Ferrets are for me
 They get me into strife
 They make me feel so free!!
 (Ah, probably because they steal everything!)
 Email me at [log in to unmask] and hope I get it...
 Before they do!
[Posted in FML issue 2239]