>Is it just my copy or did everyone's copy of The Ferret Calender have
>two March 13th's and two March 20th's???
>Chris Snoberger
I haven't gotten one (yet), but if that is indeed the case, wouldn't you
say that lend to the authenticity of a ferret calendar?  One of my boys,
Baylor, takes extreme pleasure in getting onto my computer desk and playing
with the keyboard.  Thus far he has managed to access things in certain
programs (that I had left running, such as MS Word or my terminal program)
that I never knew existed and still don't know how to access.  Once I cam
in and he had managed to re-name (in ferret-ese) 11 different application
and files on my hard drive.  It seems to me that a few added days on the
calendar could be the result of a little late night 'hacking' from a
certain model who was displeased with his/her photo.
[Posted in FML issue 2238]