I agree with the many posts from people saying we need to contact Marshall
Farms and voice our concerns and questions to them.
I e-mailed Marshall several weeks ago and it took them a few days to answer.
I thought they weren't going to answer.  When they did they avoided all my
questions and pretty much said they weren't doing anything wrong.  I wish I
had kept a copy of their letter, but I could tell it was a generic letter
that they probably send to everyone.  My assumption was confirmed when a
couple days later I recieved the same letter again.  It had a business
attitude to it insted of a careing one.  I asked several questions about
them selling to research labs, how old their jills are when they are no
longer porductive and what they do with them, ect.......It was no surprise
when none of these questions were answered.  The only thing they said is
that yes they provide animals for research.
I too want to urge everyone to e-mail Marshall they have their own site.  If
any one needs the address I can post later with that information.  I think
they also list their phone number if anyone wanted to call them.
[Posted in FML issue 2232]