The UK citizens have all of my sympathy.  First your firearms, then your
dogs.  All conficated without compensation.  Next in line will be the
ferrets, fishing poles and cats (catch mice!)  Unarmed citizens are subjects
not citizens.
Hunting is a natural inscent (sp?).  All aminals have it (including man).
When inscents are surprassed, less desireable behavior takes place.  Next
thing you know, women and children will be subjected to agression.  It will
not surprise me if the murder rate rises as man hunts man.
The same thing can happen here in the USA!  First registration, then
confication.  Guard our hard won freedoms!  we will not be sujects to the
government.  We have a right to own hunting dogs and ferrets.
Nan and Supersnooper
[Posted in FML issue 2237]