I am writing concerning my baby Hobbes, a male sable ferret that is 1 and a
half years old.  Over the past few days my wife and I have noticed that
Hobbes has been shedding.  Then, last night, we were holding him and found
that large quantities came out of his coat.  After pulling most of the hair
out it look as if Hobbes had been shaved, with the exception of his head,
legs, abdomen and tail.  He still has a coat of hair, after we pulled most
of the loose stuff out.  My question is this normal for the spring time
shedding?  He has never done this before and we just aren't sure if it could
be an adrenal problem or just normal.  He doesn't seem to be lacking any
energy, eats well (has been fed IAMS and Science Diet since a baby) and
seems to have normal bathroom habits.  There is a lot of information on the
net about adrenal disease and he is going to the vet for a check up, but
anyone on the FML who can tell us more about seasonal shedding in ferrets
would be greatly appreciated.
The Idaho four,
Brad, Kelly, Hobbes, and Susie Arendt
[Posted in FML issue 2236]