Hi Dawn,
16 months is a little young for an adrenal problem, though not unheard of.
Also, adrenal problem/tumor does not necessarily equal cancer.  The majority
are benign.  And, the ones that are cancerous are often contained, and go no
further than the adrenal.  In those cases, removal of the gland removes the
cancer.  Did your vet at least get a tissue sample for analysis to see if
there was cancer involved?
The drug you're probably using is Lysodren.  I have had nothing but bad
experiences with Lysodren.  Both of my ferrets that were treated with this
drug became VERY ill within a week or two as a result of the drug and I had
to stop treatment.  Our shelter operator says she lost two ferrets due to
Lysodren usage and will never use it again.  On the other hand, some ferret
owners have had good luck with Lysodren.
In my opinion, 16 months is too young to consider a lifetime of Lysodren
treatement.  And, that's what it means, because adrenal tissue is
regenerative and if you stop Lysodren treatment, the gland will begin to
return to its overactive self.  A right adrenal is not inoperable, but it
may be so to a less skilled surgeon.  Our shelter's vet removes right
adrenals with little problem unless it has grown into the vena cava.  Maybe
it's time to look around for another vet?
I have no medical experience, so take all this as simply my personal
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke, [log in to unmask]
* Secretary, South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue, Inc.
* Visit our web site: http://www.gate.net/~mjanke
[Posted in FML issue 2263]