Well, I for one want to stay out of this debate-- however As the day was
absolutely devine we spent the weekend on the tour--did petshop reviews--
Lo and behold we found a single MF kit at a local pet store which arrived
on the week of 3/12-- guess what the stools were green and gloppy-- now I
am no scvientist and this can all be left to conjecture-- but it is
interesting that there is another with suspicious stools that did indeed
arrive the same week-- from the same origination point---
I surely wouldn't take a chance and bring that sweet one home to my home
full of ferrets - especially with some in already compromised health--
I think everyone should be very observant of the ferrets they are
considering purchasing-- it COULD be devastating... ECE is not a known--
and until we all understand what we are dealing with- we are playing with
fire--- so to speak
a nickle for your thoughts!
[Posted in FML issue 2262]