thanks to everyone who has mailed me about Nero.  The doctor took out his
stiches today and is amazed at how awake and alert he looks.  And he weighs
1kilogram, which is great!  if you haven't looked at them, his pictures are
Figment, our little adoptee, has a new game we call TankGirl.  She moves
this orange crate that we put a cardboard tube in like a tank with a gun on
the front.  She walks it around the room, stopping to pop her head up out of
the top for a look around, then moving again.  she either pops out next to
the "gun" or out through the "gun" and does her patented chew on the
enemies's head move, then run back into her tank.
Her other "thing" is these little bitty poops that she makes everywhere.
And she is the only one that forgets what she is doing sometimes when she
goes to poop.  She back up into a corner, squat down, then run off, totatlly
confused, "like, what was I doing, I can't rememeber?"
beckers and the six ferrets, 2 cats, 1 bagpipe (the siamese)
[Posted in FML issue 2261]