We just had the most amazing thing happen.  As those here who have known us
for a long time know, 'Chopper had been the alpha until just about a week
ago.  Also, you will recall that she has a blue hair ornament, designed for
holding back quantities of thick hair, which she can slip both on and off by
herself as a collar and proudly wear.  Well, today we had Spot and Meeteete
(the new alpha) visiting her and when we later went to take out Meeteetse
there was Blue Collar -- on Meeteetse's neck!  Not only that, but this
ferret who normally is not one to relish a collar showed it off -- I swear
she looked proud!  The only thing we can think is that it's The Blue Collar
of Power.  Watch out those of you who respect crowns; there's a new mantle
of authority in this world.
[Posted in FML issue 2259]