I have a shelter in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  We have ECE.  What I need help
with is one of our ferrets Akasha has been recently diagnosed with Lymphoma
and had surgery in February to remove her spleen.  She is still very weak
and is not using her back legs too well, but better than before the surgery.
Anyone out there know how I can protect her from getting sicker with the ECE
virus?  I'm feeding her chicken baby food with additives (vit's Timmy's),
and giving her sub Q fluids.  I'm worried that she is becoming hypo
glosimec-sp?  as she looks very glossy eyed.  As well, since 2 days ago, she
cries when she poops.  Our vet is stumped on that one.  Is this an ECE sign?
Please help....
Randy  [log in to unmask]
The Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 2259]