I believe Mr. Lipinski posted previously regarding this same incident.  The
list number escapes me but I remember the post well.  It was at the time of
the Ohio incident with Phoenix.  In the original post, Mr. Lipinski surmised
that the ferrets actions were triggered by the infants cries, and suggested
they may have been maternal.  He went on to theorize as to why ferrets may
cause an injury to a infant, which I dubbed "drag and drop".  There was no
suggestion at that time that he believed the ferret was a preditor after
prey.  All the information regarding the incident is the same as was in the
original post.  If anyone kept the lists from that time please look it up to
Mr. Lipinskis' post of 3/24;
>"Mr. Lipinski is certain that the response of the ferret in the remote
>bedroom was without a doubt that of a predator going after prey- prey in
>this case being the infant."
He then states; <"One thing here; we don't know if it's innate curiosity or
a surge to kill that's motivating the ferret."
OK, now I'm confused.  I am not an animal shrink, nor a biologist or an
animal behavioralist.  My arguement against feral populations of domestic
ferrets is very simple and is based in what I consider common sense- How can
anyone expect that a domestic ferret can survive in the wild when a wild
ferret (BFF) can't?????
On to other things.  Coccidiosis can be very easily contracted from
chickens.  I grew up on a farm in NY and had a litter of puppies infected
from some chickens we had purchased at auction.  The puppies had no direct
contact with the chickens, but we believe it was carried into the house on
shoes or clothing.
To the posters inquiring about a Buffalo, NY shelter, a Rochester, NY
breeder, and a NYS club; Contact the Western New York and Finger Lakes
Ferret Association (WNYFLFA).  Debbie Riccio is the clubs president and
also breeds.  The club operates a shelter and runs a store (in home) to help
support it.  I currently have four which I've adopted.  Sandy, the shelter
mom, is one of the most caring and dedicated ferret people I've had the
pleasure of meeting.  The club has member get-togethers and holds two vet
talks per year which are open to the public.  Contact Debbie Riccio, club
president at (716)473-7292 for membership and breeder info.  Contact Sandy
DeBout at (716)872-5343 for adoption info.
My most recent addition to my ferret family (from the shelter) needs a name.
He's a DEW with no markings, between 1 and 3 yo.  Quite honestly, I think
I've run out of ideas.  I've considered "Yeti" for the Abomidable Snowman
but it doesn't fit his personality.  I think something mystic would fit.
He's unlike any ferret I've ever come across.  He doesn't do ferret things
aside from steal socks and back up when he does his business.  I already
have Gypsy and Coco- puff who've passed to the Rainbow Bridge.  I now have
Pop, Bubba, Reggie, Mr. Grinch, Chumley, D'Weezil, Scooter, and last but
not least my little girl Ouija.  Any suggestions?
[Posted in FML issue 2258]