Thanks to all of you with encouraging words!  For those who asked to know
how our first vet visit went....great!  The doc said they are about 8 months
old and appear in good health.  Though he did say I should get Onyx's weight
up.  He is 1.6 lbs and Borax is only 1.8 himself.  Any suggestions?  Isn't
that weight a little low for both?  Borax looks healthy but Onyx does look
very thin (I can see his pelvic bones).  Anyway, the vet gave them their
shots and talked to me about questions that could come up and shared lots
of general ferret info while we waited to see if they might have reactions
to the shots.  I like him.  I was impressed that he was so concerned about
my concerns.  I don't get that kinda attention from my own doc!
Onyx,"that's mine! mine, mine, mine!"
Borax, "relax!  I'll tell you a story"
[Posted in FML issue 2234]