I had a similar experience.  When I first got Woobie and was a new ferret
owner, He came down with ECE.  I Took him to the vet.  I have never used
this vet before.  He told me he needed to run tests and needed a hospital
stay etc..  For the first visit and the hospital stay it cost me $360.00.
I had the cash and paid the vet and took Woobie home.  He almost died that
night.  I called the vet and had the answering service beep him at home..
It was 10pm.  he told me to go get caro syrup and feed it to Woob every 2
hours and bring him in in the morning.  I brought him in.  The visit cost
me another $60.00.  The vet wanted to give me some meds to give to Woobie
but it would have cost me another $60.00 for them.  I was broke..  I gave
him all the money I had.  He wouldnt give me the meds and let me pay him
when I got paid that Friday.  I took Woobie home and he was dying in front
of my eyes.  I called my Mother and was sitting there with a little limp
Woobie in my arms.  My Mother called that vet and reamed him good!  Told
him what the hell kind of vet are you?  You dont care about animals!  You
are just going to let this poor animal die?  She gave you alll the money
she had and you cant let her pay you a measly $60.00 on Friday??  The vet
told her that he cant do anything.  Im not sure if he had no idea what to
do for Woobie or if he was just so $$ hungry that he didnt care.  About
11:30 that night I get a phone call from the vet saying that he will call a
Prescription into my drug store.  He must have had an attack of conscience
or he found out what to do abut ECE.  Once Woobie got better I never went
to him again!!  I found a great vet here in NJ.  They are a 24 hour
emergency.  Unfortunately they are quite expensive.  Woobies exploratory
surgery and removal of his adrenal tumor and 3 day hospital stay cost me
$1200.00 But they are letting me pay $100.00 a month and will never turn
away an emergency due to lack of cash at the moment.  If anyone wants the
names of the vets.  the one NOT to go to or the Great ones..  please feel
free to E mail me.  Like I said i am in North Jersey.
Sharon, Woobie & Princess
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>So I guess the almighty dollar outweighs the highest concern.
[Posted in FML issue 2257]