(Troy Lynn <[log in to unmask]>)
(From: Don & Janice Boyle <[log in to unmask]>
(Subject: coccidiosis
Just saw the message on coccidiosis.  Wasn't sure whether to send to you or
Mia.  So I will send to both.
The stool is usually "seedy" looking or little tiny ball-like things in it
and there can be blood surrounding the stool but not necessarily.
Poto had blood around the stool with a couple of stools.  The blood comes
from the lining of the intestine, and that is why it comes out with the
stool at times.  The parasites are tiny and round shaped and seen by
microscopic exam of the stool by a vet.  The parasites attach to the
intestinal lining and set up camp there.  This is a very painful illness to
the ferret.  It is caused by stress I am told, but that can be stress which
is environmental or, from physical "down" after another illness.  A ferret
may have some or all of the symptoms I am listing and early diagnosis is
essential to helping him/her to get rid of the parasites or it progressively
gets worse and more and more painful and the ferret will be more and more
ill, in a matter of a very few days.  The ferret will eat less or stop
eating, probably have distinctive looking stools, cry in sleep or when
trying to have a bowel movement, vomit, run around and try to go to the
bathroom several times and have piddly amounts or nothing come out.
Everytime Poto had this disease, it was precipitated by a change in his
life,( we went on vacation)etc., after a chf and pneumonia episode.  He has
had distinctive stools everytime, but I have also taken a stool on another
ferret who had it in the stool and that stool did not look as abnormal.  So
it is important to take a fresh specimen to your vet and ask him/her to
SPECIFICALLY examine the stool specimen for coccidiosis.  It is a common
illness with dogs and any vet should be able to see the coccidiosis culprit
but a ferret vet is always best for ferrets as far as treating any illness
and prescribing for them.
The treatment for ferrets with coccidiosis is Albon.  It is a butterscotchy
like liquid which is not too difficult to give usually, but remember this
little one is ill and even good tasting med is not good tasting right now.
Shake the Albon first.  The dosage is 1 ml (one), the first day, then 1/2 ml
(one half) each following day for 4 more days.  I also give carafate to my
ferret who has this disease if it is having pain at all.  If you are not
familiar with carafate, I will tell you a little bit about it further down
on this message.  I always take a specimen to check and see if the
coccidiosis is not present anymore after about 6 or 7 days.  I have had to
give Albon for a couple of extra days at 1/2ml to get rid of the disease
completely and that was ok'd by my vet to do.  It is a stubborn disease but
the Albon usually works like a miracle!  You are supposed to encourage
fluids when giving the Albon and should anyway for an ill ferret.  A small
bottle of Albon lasts "forever" and stays great right on the shelf in a cool
dark cupboard.  At 2:30 in the morning I had to call my vet AFTER Poto was
already on Albon several hours,because he was crying with pain still and the
vet said give him full doses of Carafate.  Carafate is a people med and it
is used in ferrets to cure ulcers.(Dr. Bruce Williams) (Works too!) I gave
it to Poto the last time he had coccidiosis because he was in so, so much
pain.  I gave a full dose of 1.25 mls and gave it between meals and the
Albon with at least 45 minutes between and gave it 3 times a day for a day
or two and then reduced it down as his pain went away and stopped it after
about 3-4 days.  The carafate will bind with food and other meds and may
make them less effective and the carafate less effective as far as soothing
and healing too.  Carafate has to be shaken well before given and you may
have to do a little encouraging with this med too.  It is a miracle worker
as far as I am concerned when a ferret has about any GI tract intrusion and
pain and illness.  It is wonderful for ECE, ulcers and I have found out, for
coccidiosis.  A good one to have on hand.  A small brown bottle full cost me
about 9-10 dollars but goes a very long way and stays on the shelf "forever"
too.  God bless you and your little one.  --Jan
[PS - combined post:]
Want to clarify a statement on Carafate in which I said it can bind with
food and other meds --- That is why it is given at least 45 minutes before
or 45 minutes after a meal.  I give it 45 minutes after a meal if I can
because it seems to me that it would stay in the intestine longer and
provide protection and soothing for a longer time.
[Posted in FML issue 2257]