I write this posting as both a warning and a plead for help.
First, I want to warn the Ferret Community in Ontario that the dreaded ECE
"Green Slime" disease has arrived.  There have been at least 3 confirmed
cases, one in Ottawa, one in Hamilton and the latest in Toronto.
Second, I would like to ask anyone with any information about this disease
to mail me at [log in to unmask]
I admit it, I was one of the people who briefly scanned over the ECE
information sheets and warning messages as this disease had not yet entered
our region.  However, I am now attempting to correct this wrong by gathering
all the information that can be found.  Any phamplets, newsletters, existing
web-page links or other info would be greatly appreciated as Ontario is very
ill-prepared for the invasion of ECE.  Hopefully, we can arm our local vets,
petstores and ferret community with enough warning and information as
possible to minimize fatalities!
I can't tell you how worried I am about ECE catching us completely
unprepared and want to thank you in advance for any information you can
forward to me that will help in the fight.
Paige Townsend, owned by Thunder, Hershey and The Cos
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2257]