Got s'more...
You know your a ferret lover when...
Your husband starts those hypothetical scenarios saying stuff like "if
me and the weezils were hanging off a cliff, who would you save?"
You make the rounds to pet stores on your "cedar shavings alert"
You post signs around your house stating "Guard ferrets on duty, nothing
inside is worth risking your socks over"....
You have gotten to the point where picking up dried ferret poop with your
bare hands doesn't bother you anymore.
You get a newspaper subscription for...
    A) to line the bottom of their cage
    B) to scan want ads for "free ferret to good home ads"
    C) to shred so your ferrets can play in them...
When you cook your ferrets favorite dinner (pasta) at least once a week.
You go to the wholesale club for those giant boxes of mini packs of raisins
You do the weezil walk (dragging feet as to not step on a fert) even in
public, when there are no weezils around....
Your at a friends house and hear tennis shoes in the dryer and panic, even
though this person has no ferrets.
Your at same friends house and check couch cushions before sitting down.
Your at friends house who does have ferrets, and you say hi to ferrets
before you say hi to friend....
And last but not least (sure you can bet there will be more)  You know your
a ferret lover when You keep the kitchen trash can on the table, so ferrets
wont drag potato peels all through the house!
[Posted in FML issue 2257]