Bob said it so well.  Helping ferrets, whether it is by taking sick and old
ones in, paying for medical care and/or legal aid for those that can't
afford it, copying and mailing out requested information and newsletters,
running a shelter or any of the other ways, is quite expensive.  I never
hesitate (obviously from my debt) to provide assistance where I can and the
ferrets in my care receive the best vet care around.  Even with a $70
emergency fee I've never hesitated to take one in.
There are several reasons why I do what I do, but the main reason is that I
truly believe I am doing what I was put on this earth to do.  When it is,
you just know.  Those that are close to me, know this too.  Sounds a little
nutty?  That's o.k. too, because I do good work and I make a difference in
many lives, a positive difference.  It's difficult for me to talk about
what I do.  There is much sadness in my work, but there is much joy too.
When someone has an adrenal (or any illness) ferret that they can't afford
to provide medical care for and they don't know how to provide supportive
care (not everyone has these nursing skills - and that is what they are -
skills) is it right for the ferret to suffer?  No.  This is where I and
others may come in.  I can't say that I've not thought twice about the
cost, because I have, but I've never thought about NOT helping.  I'm the
only human member in my family so that means I only have to worry about
cutting back on things for myself so I can devote more financially than
some others can.  I don't need a lot for myself and I'm not a material
person either (oh, but I do have a small collection of ferret-related
items :-)).  Ferrets are my life.
Here is just one project we are working on -
Currently we are trying to figure out a way to build a ferret building in my
back yard (I've already checked with the city and they gave me a go ahead).
When Kansas implements the new rabies regulations, we could use that
building to house ferrets needing quarantine and become a state licensed
shelter.  We have members lined up to drive a from one end of the state to
the other to pick up ferrets needing quarantine so they won't be killed.
First we have to come up with the plans, then the funds.  We are hoping to
find people in our area that can help with the building.  We can cut costs
quite a bit if we do a lot of the work ourselves.  One of our members is
willing to lay the concrete for cost and machine rental.  Now if we can just
find some builders (hint, hint :-)).  This will be an expensive endeavor
but I can't see that it not be done.  We are certainly open to ideas to
accomplish our task.  While we are looking to do this as inexpensively as
possible, we will not cut costs that would endanger the ferrets housed in
the building.  So if anyone knows anyone that can assist us in this project,
please send them our way.
Hugs and love to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2256]