Hello all you wonderful FML type people!
I took Sammy to Dr. Gates in San Antonio a couple of days ago.  (Dr. Gates
is the main vet that I have been working with concerning Sammy s ECE.).
He had gained 2 oz [ Sammy that is not Dr Gates ;-) ] since his ordeal in
Nebraska.  This weight gain is due to the fact that I have been feeding him
as much Hill s a/d as he would eat.  He still is fighting ECE.  He continues
to have the greenies.  Dr. Gates changed his meds from Amoxi to a different
antibiotic (I can t remember the name and I don t have it with me right now
{its in the fridge}) and also a prescription form of Kaopectate.  Hopefully
this will firm up his stools a little.  I am keeping him hydrated and we are
both hanging in there.
Thanks again for all of your concern.
Sammy, Doris, and Buddy - The lights of my life!
[Posted in FML issue 2234]