This is my first time posting, I have been reading for about a month.  I
found a article on Starting a ferret club.  I remember someone wanting
info.on this subject.  It is at Ferret Central on the home page under Other
Resources- General Info.  It is: How to start a Ferret Club by Pam Troutman.
Also, I just want to comment on all the fine caretaking and love that Bob C.
has been giving to all those needy little darlings.  You Are doing the right
thing!  I am glad that you have the means to do it.  I would personally pick
an ill or handicapped fert over a healthy kit because I know it needs so
much.  Keep up the fine work, Bob.  I have noticed in the short time I've
been reading the FML, that you know your stuff and this is what you were
meant to do.  I know it is alot of heartache, I have shed many tears reading
about all the sweet babies that so many have lost.  My heart goes out to
you.  Thanks for listening, I hope I haven't said anything wrong.  I'm
alittle afraid to post anything for fear of starting an arguement about
Lisa and the 2 heart snatchers
Jax ( Hold me, Mommy, hold ME!)
Allister (Hold still, silly, I'm tryin to clean your ears!)
[Posted in FML issue 2255]