This is from Bumble Bobbitt, Patient Griselda, Red Hedda Hopper and Blanche
DuBois in Wisconsin (we wrote to you once many moons ago, but then Uncle
Greg --the keeper of the laptop--had to go out of town a lot, so we didn't
have any way to tell you more about ourselves until Mommy got herself this
great big regular pooter).
Anyway, we want to share with you how we helped Mommy with Spring
housecleaning and decorating today!  She let us up from the basement at the
very crack of dawn, and said we could stay up all day on account of we were
so good when we had our shots last week, and because we'd had to stay in the
basement for three whole days when the wallpaper guy was here and left many
buckets and trays and other fun-smelling stuff on the floor at night.  (We
probably could've helped him, too, but he said we weren't union, whatever
that means.) The curtains and windows were open because Wisconsin finally
got some sun and a little warmth, and we had a fine time chasing sunbeams
all over the floor (Hopper actually caught one and ate it.... she says), and
we even got to play in the 3-season porch where we found some toys that we
hadn't seen all winter!  Then Mommy started moving around furniture and
pictures and plants and stuff, and it was all very exciting and we helped
her by hanging on her feet so she couldn't go too fast and trip over
something....Mommy gets a little crazy when she gets to redecorating!
Anyway, Mommy decided she didn't really need us on her feet, so she let us
explore in a wonderful place under the sink that she'd never let us go in
before.  There were old pots and pans in there that she was going to wash up
and put away, and she thought maybe we'd have fun crashing around in there
first.  And we did have much noisy fun, but I guess Mommy didn't remember
that she'd bought a nice-sized sack of potting soil awhile ago and stuck it
behind the pots and pans, and she didn't see it because the sack was dark
and the space was dark, but we saw it.  Saw it right off.  Smelled it, too.
Gorgeous smell!  The sack hadn't been opened yet, but we took care of that
little problem real fast.
Mommy was having a rest in the living room, in a chair with a high curved
back, so she couldn't see through the dining room into the kitchen, but
gradually she became aware that the jangling of pots and pans had been
replaced by a strange slithery sound.  This caused her vague misgivings, but
it needn't have because we were doing a great job all by ourselves....when
she came into the kitchen, there we were, working very hard to drag that
nice big torn bag to our special fireplace nook, one of us at each corner,
making an admirable and rare team effort!  (Even Blanche, who usually spends
most of her upstairs-time sleeping in the sub-woofer.) And we'd created a
beautiful wide trail of fragrant potting soil, with lovely designs of our
feet and tails, all across the wood floor, to give that final touch of
Spring to the kitchen.
Now, for some reason, the girls are back in our condo in the basement, and
I'm due to join them after I'm through pootering to you, and the sun hasn't
even set yet!  I guess Mommy's overwhelmed by our efforts to help her and
has to take a nap.  I guess we will,'s been such a busy and
productive day.  (We are thinking of hiring ourselves out as home
decorators.  After we've joined the union.)
Ciao for Now,
Bumble B. Bobbitt, Chief Correspondent
[Posted in FML issue 2254]