>Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: PAX ON LIST!  (Yes, I MEAN to SHOUT.)
>Peace, guys!!!!  Just yesterday I learned that we came VERY close to having
>one of our fine vets here leave because of all the infighting (AGAIN!) due
>to the nitpicking by folks who just can't let differences of opinion exist.
>So, STOP IT, okay?
Oh, Sukie, once again your words carry a distinct wisdom.  The many
bickerings go beyond such grand topics as Marshall Research and even address
such minor points of semantics and the smallest of details on a *wide*
variety of topics.
Some appear to suffer from a terminal case of "LAST WORDITIS".  This
disorder is debilitating, unproductive, and an embarrassment to all and
makes "trolling" look like a pleasant pastime.
You will discover the same party in a host of topics and consistently
presenting the identical pattern, over, and over, and over again.  So much
so, that they may even be feel compelled to defensively respond to *this*
observation much like the moth is compelled to move towards a flickering
candle.  Watch...
The DSM IV does not distinguish this particular behavior for it is often a
manifestation of a more deeply rooted and complex pathology.
While I, as others, have endeavored to resist the seduction of such antics,
this resistance is not always successful.  It appears that secondary
exposure to LAST WORDITIS is not entirely inert and shares some components
of counter transference.  There were times BIG acted as the better part of
my conscience and I am deeply grateful for his assistance.  While the
occasional fighting is a part of normal human nature we all share in varying
degrees, this pattern shown with such consistency is not.
It takes a lot to compel Sukie to SHOUT<g>.
So to all FML'ers, let them have the last word, they need it more than
anyone else.  *Trust* the intelligence, wisdom, and judgment of the vast
majority of readers who base credence not on last words, but on the value
of intelligent words.  Most of us can see through the rest.
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 2252]