Two years ago I helped do research on a new odor controlling litter for
small animals and birds.  This product is great - with all kinds of support
from those who have tried it.  The company has allowed me to bring this
product to the ferret owners if there is a need - I prefer to not go through
the traditional pet store channels.  I would rather go direct to the ferret
owner or through a shelter or an association - which ever is less expensive
for the ferret owner and maybe has the potential to raise money for the
shelter / association.  My question is "is there a need for a corn cob
litter with an odor control agent that works and is virtually dust free,
absorbant and university tested as safe ?"  References and a money back
guarantee are available for the uncertain.  If the need does not exist, and
everyone is happy with what they now have, then I can be doing other things
with my life.  Any response ?
(ps - I really am not trying to sell anything - just simply decide if the
need exists) Thank you
[Moderator's note: Permission was asked to post this.  It's lots like an
ad so it won't be posted again (except in the ad issue, of course).  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2252]