Now you folks in Kentucky who are ferret friendly your help is needed.  Our
governmental session is about at an end (March 31st is the last day for
bills to get through).  There has been a bill that was introduced by Rep.
Gippy Graham in the House.  This bill is House Bill (HB) 776.  This
recognizes the difference between domestic and wild ferrets and allows the
domestic ferret owners to keep ferrets without a license from Fish and
Wildlife Department.  This bill has made it through the House and now is in
the Senate Agriculture and Small Business Committee and they meet again on
Monday, March 23rd at 1 pm.  I realize people will want to put their two
cents in but I must ask that only residents of Kentucky respond and send
messages to your State Senator.  The Senators and Representatives will only
respond to their own constituents and may get upset if they get messages
from outside their district.  You can call the Legislative Mesasge Center
and LEAVE a message to your Senator that represents you.  The Number is
1-800-372-7181 (This number can only be used inside the State of Kentucky).
Thanks for helping.
[Posted in FML issue 2252]