Hi everyone - I am new to this whole thing of cyber space so please bear
with me.  I am having a problem with two ferrets, one male-Knightly, one
female-Shilo.  Both are from the local rescue shelter.  Both will go after
my kids to bite them, and us for that matter, when the spirit moves them.
I have tried lite spanking and bitterapple, they work for a while, but the
ferrets will bite again the next day.  I have watched the kids with them and
they have always been quite good with them - the kids only want to play with
Spanky, the good ferret, now.  I got them some time ago- Knightly 8months
ago, Shilo 2yrs ago.  I have run out of ideas to try.  Does any one have any
bright ideas for me?  I have had 5 other ferrets, none have I had so much
trouble with.  PLease help!
Julie, Spanky,Knightly, and Shilo and family.....
[Posted in FML issue 2250]