Greetings and salivations!
Yes, it's really me - Paw Paw.  It took me two hours to clean all the raisin
crumbs out of this keyboard, so I suppose that Tater and Odie have been
keeping up with folks.  I've been sadly remiss in writing because of my busy
schedule.  I'm here to told you that being disabled is mighty hard work.  I
never worked so hard when I had two good legs.  Oh, well.  Joy to the World!
I come to you right now with a heavy heart.  Tater and Odie published a web
page for their big sister and my daughter, Lyra.  Then they submitted it to
the All Things Ferrety Web Ring.  Well, it got turned down because it wasn't
ferrety enough.  Imagine that!  While the page is published by ferrets, it
does contain something of a family ablum of the humans in the the Schieman
Clan - and not a whole lot about ferrets.
But, If it weren't for Lyra's insistance - that finally won Mee Maw over, we
never would have adopted Tater.  It's for this reason that I think that Lyra
deserves a place in the world of ferrets.
So, what to do?  For my part, I'm going to take care of some cosmetic
changes to the page - ferret background, ferret links, animations, etc.
This is where the rest of ya'll come in.  It seems to me that a prominent
feature of Lyra's page could be a showcase of Wisonsin ferrets.  I know that
we have some ferret friends up there in the frozen Northland.  So, how about
sending us some pictures of your snow weasels that we can put on Lyra's
page?  Does that sound like a plan?
You can either e-mail them (JPG preferred) or snail mail them to us for
scanning.  Be sure to include descriptions and e-mail and/or URL links.
Heck, even folks who aren't in Wisconsin are welcome to participate.  Let's
fill Lyra's page up with so much ferret stuff that folks will forget the
fact that my ugly puss is featured there!
Many much loves to all ferrets and ferret-folk everywhere,
Paw Paw - the original Old Fert!
[Posted in FML issue 2250]