>>A shelter operating out of a store front should expect to be treated like
>>a store.
>Interesting concept; sounds like a dirty word from the tone of your
For the past 8-plus years, the GCFA shelter has operated out of a
storefront, and yes there are some folks who think that means that they can
walk in and BUY a ferret.  To them, we're a pet shop (our city license says
we are a pet shop).  To most people , in general.  the concept of adopting
(as opposed to buying) an animal is just so many words.  "I've got the
money.  You've got the ferret.  I want to BUY it."  These people never walk
out with a ferret.
>But if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck then it must be a duck.
Except when it is clearly labeled as a shelter.
>All of the humane societies in our area and in most areas of the US of A
>operate out of a store front, they too sell supplies in an attempt to
>support a portion of their shelter and I'm proud to be one of those
>non-profit shelters who care very deeply for dumped ferrets
The major shelters (ASPCA and/or HSUS supported) are usually in edifices
that go beyond simple storefroints.
>Very few "ferret shelters" operate out of store fronts.  None that we know
>of on the East coast.  We do not know about the large ones in Florida or
>Chicago as we haven't visited them.  Most in the Mid-Atlantic operate out
>of private homes.  Ours included.  Many do operate as vendors of various
>supplies for both ferrets and ferret owners but none look like a store.
>Neither do the cat or dog rescues we've been to look like stores.
Bill, next time you're in town (Say, before you judge the 10th GCFA show
in October) why not drop by the shelter and visit?
Roger McMillian - Member: Greater Chicago Ferret Association
Opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those
of the G.C.F.A. To
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[Posted in FML issue 2250]