We have two ferrets, Cheyenne (2 years) and Kneesaa (almost 1 year).
Kneesaa has developed a weight problem.  She is almost twice the size of
Cheyenne.  However, we do think that Cheyenne is small for her age.  I
don't know weights because we don't have a scall that is accurate to weigh
them.  I do know, however that when Cheyenne walks over our scale the
needle doesn't even twitch, but when Kneesaa gets on it, it goes to one or
two pounds.  Again, though, the scale that we have is not designed to
measure small weights.
We would like to put Kneesaa on a diet, but that would mean restricting
Cheyenne's food supply also.  We aren't home for most of the day, so we have
to leave enough food out for the both of them to make it through the day.
Since Kneesaa has put on the weight, she isn't as playful as much as she
used to be.  She still gets plenty of exercise, but she isn't as quick to
get out of their cage in the morning as she was before.  It's like she has
gotten lazy.
Is this possibly a seasonal change?  Cheyenne never exhibited such behavior,
but then again, all ferrets have their own personalities.  I would
appreciate any input that you'll could give me.
In Fuzziness,
Chuck Steel
Chuck Steel
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[Posted in FML issue 2250]