I've found a book to add to the list of 'essential ferret books': "Training
Your Pet Ferret" by Gerry Bucsis and Barbara Somerville.  It gives lots of
good advice on ferret litter-training, training not to nip, training to come
to their name or to a squeaky toy, leash training (believe it or not),
shoulder training, as well as bonding with your ferret, and toys/games they
may enjoy.  The book states that it is *not* a general care guide, and that
there are other good books for that (and lists several in the back); and yet
it also goes into care, feeding, housing, choosing a vet, ferret-proofing,
travelling with your ferret, and so forth.  A very good book overall (plus
it includes the obligatory cute ferret pictures :).
In case anyone's interested, it's ISBN 0-7641-0093-9, published by Barron's;
my cost was $11.99, though that's Canadian; it'll be cheaper in the States.
John Rosloot, Caregiver to Cassidy and Sammy
With loving memories of my dear departed Buddy
Technical analyst, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
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[Posted in FML issue 2249]