Okay, I have news for ALL Northland (New Zealand) ferret owners.
Contrary to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Department of
Conservations' knowledge, ferrets are ILLEGAL in Northland.  Apparently you
can apply for a waiver in order to keep your ferret, but I personally refuse
to do so.  Knowing that only one or two people (thank heavens) know of this
law up here gives Northlanders some leeway, but you should still take
Because ferrets are considered a PEST in New Zealand, there will not be any
pleasant 'shipping' of ferrets to a new home/location.  I have walked my
babies through town with no incident, but I would advise extreme caution if
you choose to do so.  From now on - no more multiple ferret walks for my
guys.  One ferret can be hidden from prying Council members, a small
business creating havoc cannot.
The Council believes (contrary to my report from the Department of
Conservation some four months ago) that the ferrets are increasing steadily
in numbers in this area - directly proportionate (apparently) to the steady
decrease in kiwi numbers.  Personal opinion, they wouldn't know a ferret
from a stoat, and need their heads examined, but personal opinion counts
for SQUAT when they have your animals.  My ferrets are now criminals ;o)
and I'm looking at shooting through from this area ASAP after returning
from the States.
For all those others in New Zealand - I'd advise some judicious questions to
your regional council.  Apparently the Waikato region, south of Auckland, is
also a FFZ.
Anyway, I'm off to clean up after my little criminals now and take more
photos for their little kit photo album <g>
Ferrets are my life - Ferrets are for me
They get me into strife - They make me feel so free!!
(Ah, probably because they steal everything!)
Email the criminals and I at [log in to unmask]
and hope I get it... Before they do!
[Posted in FML issue 2249]