My ferrets have long had a plastic halloween pumpkin with painted face and a
strap handle that I keep their small toys in.  I set the pumpkin on the
kitchen floor and they fish things out.  Yesterday I wanted something to
entertain the baby angora in the cage, so put the pumpkin in with him.  He
soon had everything out, and crawled into the cavity.  It was like he'd
never seen the pumpkin before!  He clawed at the inside wildly - probably
where the black paint could be seen through the plastic, and rolled around
inside it.  His cage-mate, Mr. Sobersides got in too, and they played
snake-bites.  It was great!  I'm still seeing plastic pumpkins in the
discount bins at stores, and the tag on the bottom says it was only .99 to
begin with!  Great toy!
Thanks Lee, for adding the "keep em dry" note on woodstove pellets.  Unlike
kitty pellets that are sealed in multiple layer paper bags, the woodstove
pellets are a single layer of plastic, and like potato bags, they have
little breathing holes, so it's important to protect them from moisture.
Storing heavy bags of woodstove pellets IS a problem.  We have a lower
kitchen cupboard area that's hard to get to, so we put extra bags there.
The floor level of linen closets (not that I have one) or the back of the
coat closet (are you kidding, mine is 19 inches wide) come to mind as
possible stashes.  Finding a place to store them is a pain, but it beats the
panic of realizing the ferrets will poop on the floor if their litter is
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[Posted in FML issue 2233]