I live south of Orlando, Florida.  The Orlando Sentinel is the biggest
newspaper in the area.  Four times a week, they have a section of "local"
news covering the county I live in.  The section is called "The Osceola
Sentinel".  On Saturday, there is a column on the front page of that section
called "The Saturday File"  Today, the last item in that column was titled
"Rabies warning".  The first paragraph told of a rabid raccoon being found
in the county.  The second paragraph, and I hope this can run in its
entirety, BIG, was as follows
Health Department and Animal Control say pet owners should have all dogs,
cats and ferrets vaccinated.
*end quote*
DID YOU SEE THAT!?!?!?!?  Dogs, cats and FERRETS.  All lumped together.  To
those of you have fought and spent time and money to get the 98 Compendium
work done and to get it accepted....I want to hear yelling and screaming.  I
want you up from your screens and dancing across the floor with a big smile
on your faces and tears in your eyes.  I want you to know how grateful the
rest of us are.  You have made a difference.  It may be just a tiny five
paragraph story that only a few thousand people will see, but that's a few
thousand more than we had a few years ago.
If any of you keep a scrapbook of such items, just email me with your snail
mail address and I'll be happy to send you a copy.  And, once again, Thank
You from the rest of us.
Charlie, Ag and Donna in Kissimmee
owned by Cujo, Bandit, Snowball and Valentine
We remember Kodo, Rocky and Spokane
[Posted in FML issue 2247]