Just a quick note since I am short on time right now.  I JUST got a call
from a very kind gentleman who said that he was Dr. DeBess, the State Public
Health Vet in Oregon, who told me that Oregon HAS gone to following the
Compendium already and that he was a member of the Compendium Committee.
Now, as H.D.  would point out, I CAN'T prove that it was Dr. deBess, but if
he was on the Compendium Committee given that they ALL voted to include
ferrets for the same management as cats and dogs we can feel safe for
Oregon.  I've been meaning to ask for a LIST OF WHO WAS ON THE COMMITTEE
anyway, so that we can send out thank you letters so I guess I'll have to do
that.  Just one more thing...
This makes something like 35 reporting back with quarantine of one form or
another in place, and a large handful reporting back with lengthy procedures
going through to follow the Compendium for ferrets, and then the few which
still haven't replied, and California needing to have the reports in hand to
consider it.
Have managed to track down the new Public Health Vet in Oklahoma who is in
charge of this sort of thing and am waiting to hear back from her.  (Many
thanks to Doctors Healy and Eskew for pointing me in the right direction!)
[Posted in FML issue 2221]