Posting as anonymous makes it difficult to answer, and I am making an
assumption that the Melinda concerned about MF ferrets to labs is the same
concerned about the shelter issue, if not , my apologies.
First - get a copy of the 1998 Compendium for rabies control to the shelter
in IN to let them know that ferrets can be handled just like dogs and cats.
Second - give them the HSUS policy statement on ferrets that supports
working with local ferret rescues in placing ferrets.
Both of these documents can be found on the internet or by sending me a SASE
and a note as to what you want me to fill it with.
Third - contact the IN ferret clubs and shelters and see if they will
contact the animal shelter in IN to take their ferrets.  Maybe the animal
shelter does not know of anyone to surrender ferrets to, so it is easiest to
euthanize them.  If you don't know who works with ferrets in your state,
drop STAR* a SASE and I'll send you a list.
Euthanization is not a strict policy in shelters - most would prefer NOT to
do it.  But some have no recourse or alternatives - so we as the ferret
community need to provide the alternatives and LET THEM KNOW WE ARE OUT
HERE!  Everyone needs to contact their local animal control system and make
sure they know the ferret people are out there willing to help - no one will
come looking for you - you need to go to them.
Shelters That Adopt & Rescue Ferrets
PO Box 1714
Springfield, VA 22151-0714
[Posted in FML issue 2220]