>From:    Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: De-scenting, early neuter and endocrine diseases etc
We think we mostly agree but have some differences in opinion.
>Ferrets in the USA have about 30% less life expectancy than ferrets here
>in the UK.  You should be asking why the discrepancy?
We aren't really convinced that such a difference really exists.  We don't
trust the numbers on either side of the pond.  Some American vets in
researching why American ferrets seem to have more problems are talking to
vets elsewhere ad finding that American ferrets don't actually have any
exclusive on problems.  This includes finding all the common problems in
British ferrets.  Sounds like we have to somehow really get better
For what its worth we no longer have any descented ferrets.  There seems
to be little difference based on descenting.  We think the early altering
might contribute to shortened lives although its an unproven hypothesis.
>Breeders such as Bill Killian could help to improve the lot of US
We try.  It is what good breeders are supposed to be about.
>Bill, do you neuter ferret kits before selling them?
In general no.  If we end up placing a kit after he's some 6 months or so
old though we will.
>What I would like to see is the price of neutering included in the cost of
>the kit, and a clause added to the bill of sale to the effect that if the
>ferret remains the property of the breeder until it has been neutered at
>6 to 8 months of age.
Hmm... Better have a legal type analyze how that would fly in American law.
Several breeders here do have neutering clauses in their contracts.  Such as
the cost is $150 up fron t with $50 to be refunded upon proof of neutering.
Pam Troutman used such as clause for example.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2206]