I would count yourself lucky.  I too am wondering if my choice of an Albino
was a wise one.  My roomate and I just got a fuzzy each.  Mine, "Cosmo" is
the Albino and His, "Kia" is the sable.  Unlike yours though mine seems to
be a bit slow.  I think I should have named him Forrest.  Kia is very active
and aggresive at play but Cosmo seems a bit slower to engage.  I am just
chalking it down to "different personalities" but I wish Cosmo would open up
more.  Perhaps with age he will.  Perhaps I am the lucky one but who knows.
I still love him to death.  Anyway, my slant on your dilema is just
different personalities.
Todd C. Walkaraj
NetAdvice Design Team
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[Posted in FML issue 2219]