Hello all,
Just last week we adopted, via a message in the FML three wonderful new
ferrets, to add to the two we already had.  Saturday we took the new three
to out ferret vet for a general check up and their set of shots.  All went
very well, but one of our new girls has a heart murmur!  :( She has medicine
to take every other day (Enacard).  And seems basicly fine except for a lack
of energy at times.
And after the stress of the move and all (4-6 weeks) is fully over, she will
be going back for some more tests.
In the mean time, does any one else have a ferret with a heart murmur?  My
quest through "Deja News" turned up two posters that had ferrets with heart
murmurs.  But, alas both address's bounced, so I'm looking here for anyone
who has a ferret with a heart murmur to share stories with - like what to
expect and such, down the road.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
John Watson -
- John Watson -
  Lots of folks say ferrets are crazy.
  To be sure, they don't seem to care if they live or die,
  just so long as they're seeing something NEW.
[Posted in FML issue 2206]