Hey Gang,
Since I having been dealing a lot with this problem myself, thought I might
outline what I do to keep the ferrets and myself itch free.  I have been
working hard at this as I have to be careful with myself, due to a past
problem with Grave's disease I get corneal abrasions very easily because my
eyelids don't close all the way.  Sigh.  This wasn't a problem until I moved
to Missouri, Houston was just way too muggy!!
First, get yourself an humidity guage.  They are about $20 US and are well
worth it.  Even if it is raining outside, it can be too dry in the house due
to heating.  You want to shoot for around 50% humidity.  Even my allergist
in Houston recommeded this for my asthma, not too dry not too wet.
I also have a couple of evaporative humidifiers in the house.  One in my
bedroom which is next to the ferret room and one in the living area.  The
one in the living area is really nice, it has a waterfall type feed to the
fan that sounds soothing as an extra.  Be sure and tape this compartment
closed however, if you get this type.  ;-)
I like these types better than ones with heating elements in them.  It is
basically just a fan blowing air across the water to put it into the
atmosphere.  I don't worry about them as much as the heated ones with the
babies and the babies in turn actually do seem to leave them alone.
When the humidity drops to around 40% I can start to feel the difference.
Lower than that and all the fuzzies get itchy and I feel like I have sand in
my eyes.
For itchy skin, and they do scratch like they have fleas with itchy skin, I
use Jojoba oil.  It is expensive, but just a drop or two covers the ferret.
I put it into my palms, smear it around and then rub down the ferret with
it.  It really makes them more comfortable.  And they like it.
For myself I keep saline solution (used for contacts) around to flush my
eyes.  I have also started doing this for Ollie, my boy with cataracts.  His
eyes are always a little weepy and I have started flushing them daily with
the solution.  It seems to make him more comfortable.  It sure does help me.
Don't spend money on the eye flushing kits, it is the same thing as the much
cheaper saline solution in the big bottles.  Plus, this would be good for
flushing boo boos outs.
And don't forget, don't bathe them!  This only dries their skin more and
they don't really need it.  As I have talked about in the past, mine like to
get into the shower with me.  I just let them wander in and out on their
own, and don't soap them up.  They haven't had a bathe since I moved here in
1996 and they smell just fine.  But then, I like the smell of tacos.  Of
course, on the Mob list, there is a general consesus of a differing type of
smell, but my social life being what it is lately, I can't really relate.
Mo Maggie and the Mid Missouri Mustelid Mobsters
[Posted in FML issue 2219]