Ok, Ok, Kymmie, I can't stand it anymore..got to add my .02..
You know your a ferret person when:
You finally give up and remove the silverware and but blankets in your
silverware drawer....
Hi all!  Trying desparately to catch up on fmls, working on a website, I've
been lurking and havn't been able to post.  I have been wanting to introduce
my new addition Sammie, for awhile, and there isn't a day that goes by that
something new doesn't come up in regards to Sammie to where I say "ok, I
*need* to post this to the FML!  Not enough time in a day....
Sammie, is, without a doubt, the description of wonderful!!!!!Look up the
word and it will say "Sammie".  Acquired from Jean's Shelter, found for me
by my wonderful friend Sam in New Zealand, and organized through another
wonderful friend, Kymmie, Sammie came to be a part of our family a couple of
months ago.  He is a DEW and is absolutely stunning!  The only problem is,
is that Sammie does not believe he is a ferret.  He believes he is either
human or canine.  I haven't figured out which.  He naturally fit into having
"run of the house".  He remains uncaged, because, well, this is just Sammie.
Where the pups will run and look out the window, paws on windowsills,
Sammie, unfortunately can put his little hands on the sill, but can't quite
get his head up to look out.
So much to tell, I'm going to limit one of our "travels" to the Skating
Rink.  My Sammie educated about 10 people that night.  He was the hit of the
rink!  The funniest being, a GREAT BIG TALL GUY rolls off the rink, skates
up to me and with a look of true question, asks, "Uh, *WHAT* is THAT".  My
reply, of course, is, "well this is Sammie..., a ferret".  Yadda, yadda,
yadda...big guy: "I heard they'll tear you up"....and of course Sammie gives
a great big YAWN and proceeds to snuggle into my neck.  I then begin my
training session, wishing ever so badly that I had done what I've wanted to
do for the last 6 months...print out a copy of the pamplets made available
for handouts.  "DarnIT, I am thinking"...
Sammie loves ALL food, altho his diet is Totally Ferret and IAMs. (Jean, he
likes IAMS better then Totally Ferret now, - go figure!) He has experienced
ice cream, which he adores (but not too much given to him) and of course
little tidbits here and there.  He loves EVERYONE except other ferrets.  I
have since given up on that one.  Sammie has to reside in the bedroom with
the door closed while my other babies have their runtime.  He will go above
and beyond attacking anything that looks like a fert....
Warm wishes to ALL of you and your fuzzies!
Karen&Manna 'hoomans
Sammie- *yawn*, mommy, pick me up, pleeeezzzeeee!, hey, I think I'm
gonna stand on the vacuum cleaner while your moving it!"
Robbie-"hey!  That thing is OUT again!  I'm gonna GET IT"! <MANNA,
please get Robbie, she's attacking the vacuum cleaner!>
Bubba-"craisons, craisons, craisons, craisons..oh, raisons?  Ok,
raisons, raisons, raisons..."
Hopps- "Is the back door open?  I wanna go back and visit my friends
down the block that found me the other day"
Samantha- "Where's Steve?  He here yet?"
Daisy- "hahhahahahhahahahhaha you all were in the tub, hahhahahahhaa,
not ME!, hey, HEEEELLLPPPP! Mommy's putting ME in now"!
[Posted in FML issue 2219]