Hi Cam, et.al.
I cured my 18 yo cat who almost died from liver dysfunction & anemia with
liquid non alcohol milk thistle extract & Pet tinic; 1cc mte, 2cc pt twice
daily for a week, then once daily for 3 weeks.  Her blood levels are all
NORMAL now!  I'd suggest maby 1/4cc mt &1cc pt daily.
For general slow down, lethargy, etc., Timmy's Tonic & recipe is proving
pretty helpful.  info follows:
        (too long for the fml, see Timmy's web site in my sig., below)
Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>; He's the ferret
totally healed from "terminal lymphoma" without drugs.:)
AOL instant messenger name= garyferret :)/ ICQ#4461104
[Posted in FML issue 2218]