Well all is wonderful here in Oklahoma city.  I did after all, get a new
baby.  He is a darling little sweetie.  He was born in Nov.  so I am
guessing he is about 12 wks.  I was out shopping when the breeder brought
him and his sister to the cage store, so I didn't get his exact birthdate.
I really wanted to talk to the breeder because I have no idea what color he
is exactly.  I guess I will have to contact him.  He is light in color, no
visible mask at all, his undercoat is a kinda taupe-ish champagne color,
although my husband said it looks butterscotch to him.  He has the darker
legs and tummy which are a very light chocolaty brown and his gaurd hairs
are a whitish silver?  I dont know if he is cinamon, chapagne or what.  But
he is beautiful.  I told the breeder I didn't want another sable, I already
have one sable and one sable mitt.  His little sister was a sable.  Another
guy was in there buying her.  It was so funny, he had no idea about ferrets
at all, so I was standing there telling him what cage to buy, the books,
everything.  I got him fixed up all right. :-) (thank goodness I was there,
he was going to buy her rabbit food) I even gave him my number and told him
please to call anytime he had questions.  My new little boy still does not
have a name as of yet.  But he has quite a personality.  He is small in
comparission to my big fat boy Gypsy.  He is very playfull and a real
whiner.  He also has the loudest gruffest voice I have ever heard on
anything that small.  He can really hollar!  Which he does whenever he is
not being held.  So he has been hanging out in one of mommies old purses,
which is hanging around my neck.  He has only seen his new brother and
sister through the cage bars.  Gypsy tries to clean him through the wire
and Shandy just looks at him funny.  I dont really trust Shandy around him
yet.  She has been pretty wild and rambunctious as of late and I am afraid
she will mistake him for her toy squirel and try and throw him off the top
of the cage.
We also ordered a custom cage for the guys.  The pet store I deal with makes
them, and I highly recomend them to anyone in Okc.  They are doing us a big
un, 3 stories only, but around four feet tall, and four feet long and four
deep.  With full floors, no shelves or anything.  Shelves are a major
problem to Shandy, she can't seem to stay on them because she is too busy
bouncing around.We have decided to get rid of our 3 livng room chairs, but
one new one that is not a recliner or rocker, and put the cage along the
living room wall.  (A ferret entertainment center of sorts) We are supposed
to be picking that sucker up tommorow...if I can borrow someones truck :-)
And the gang is off to the vet tommorow.  Shandy was supposed to be spayed,
but the vet (wonderfull woman so it seems) wants to meet her first and do a
consulation.  They get their rabies tommorow, and their distemper on Monday
(have to stay all day for that one) and then afterwards she will be spayed.
I thought it was pretty neat that it is mandatory for ferrets to stay all
day for observation after the distemper shot.  Alot of places just send you
on your way.
Somthing cute happened yesterday that I have to share.  Our Shandy, like I
said earlier, has been very hyper and playfull as of late.  We had gone and
bought them all new sleepy sacks and hammocks and stuff, but were not going
to put them in until they had their bath.  Now Shandy dearly loves sleepy
sacks (probably because of the first 6 months of her life her owners had her
sleeping on the bottom of a wire cage only) and she will fight to the death
for her sack.  If Gypsy gets in it, she goes underneath and shoves until he
falls out.  Well, anyways, my son (age 3) trying to be helpfull, put the
sleepy sack in the cage, just laid it on the bottom.  And My dear sweet
Shandy spent over an hour trying to drag that sack up to the top floor.  She
would get it up half way and then it would fall off.  She would go back
down, grab it and try again.  Finally after fighting with it, she got it to
the top and layed it there and looked at me like "well you gonna hang this
up for me to get in or what?!" She has got to be the smartest ferret in the
world!  To know where that thing went, and try so hard to get it there on
her own!  She is really being hyper tonight.  She has spent the last hour
pushing her rattle ball around her cage, over and over.  She has to have
somthing to do every waking moment, unlike Gypsy, who is content to just sit
and watch tv.  (couch potato ferret)
Well I guess I have rambled on enough about my babies.
Happy Ferreting all
Gypsy "*yawn* turn it to the animal channel, will ya mom?"
Shandy "can't sit still, can't sit still, can't sit still"
New Baby "whatever you do, don't put me down or I am gonna YELL!"
[Posted in FML issue 2218]