Hi folks!
It's us again - Tater and the Odemeister.
We's been noticin' a whole lots of letters about them Midwest Fert Playpens
on the FML lately.  we didn't pay it much mind untill Paw Paw be done fell
out on the floor the other night and his glasses done got knocked off.
While he laid there on the floor a-floppin' due to beefy jerky withdrawal,
we noticed that we could see the name on our ferret apartment house
reflected in his spectacles.
Guess what? It's one of them Midwest thingies.
Well, we sure does enjoy the one that we gots.  It's three stories high and
has lots of room foe us to mess around in.  The kitchen is on one side of
the first floor and the toidy is on the other side.  The second floor is
where out blanky lives and we sure does enjoy it on cold nights.  Up on the
third floor is where we keeps all our neat stuff.  Well, every now and then,
Odie has a accident up there just 'cause he's so busy making sure that all
our stuff is still there.  He's been to college, you know - musta studied
accounting or something like that.
Anyways, we wanted to let everybody what lives in one of these here Midwest
thingies in on a secret that will make it even more liveable than you
thought it could be.
Mee Maw done ripped an old, holey, flannell shirt off'n Paw Paw's back one
day and hung it up in our house.  He hollered and cried for awhile on
account of because it was his favorite shirt, but he got over it.
Then she tied the collar and the tail together with some string that she
had.  Next, she commenced to tie one arm of the shirt up above our thrid
floor and let the rest hang from the top of our house.  We got's to tell
you that Paw Paw's old shirt makes the finest fert hammock that ever was!
Anybody what wants detailed instructions on how to make one should write a
letter to Mee Maw and she'll tell you how.
We just got a very disturbing instant message from Mama.  May-Wee and Pogo
have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  We don't know the details yet, but we'll
pass them along when we get them.
Well, we was gonna brag about how we got added to the Ferret Ring and did
some neat stuff to our homepage.  Guess we'll just hush now.  We is all tore
up about the loss of our friends.
Guess the best that we can do for now is to ask folks to stop by Rascal's
homepage, enjoy the pictures of May-Wee and Pogo while they were with us,
and write a nice letter to Mama.  We think she could use some right now.
Many much loves,
Tater & Odie
May-Wee and Pogo can be seen at
[Posted in FML issue 2218]