>From:    petersen <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: BFF Ferrets
>Bill, can you tell us where you got this information about the black footed
>ferret and chinese polecat breeding program?
Actually from many sources.  We are quite near the Front Royal facility of
the Smithsonian's National Zoo.  When the polecats are retired from this
program they are placed carefully into homes in the general area.  We've
seen personally a few of them.  Very similar in markings to the BFF.
There have been articles in the old FURO Ferret Help Monthly/Quarterly, the
Smithsonian magazine, the AFA has a lot of articles and supports efforts to
help the BFF.  Its the AFA president among others that has the Chinese
Polecats we've seen.  The AFA has a sub-committee devoted to the Black
Footed Ferret and it is chaired by Helen Tarbert She does no personally have
email but can be reached the the main AFA address: [log in to unmask]
LIFE has info on the BFF as well but it is rather inflammatory as is most of
their information.  They seem to like enemies and have turned those most
knowledgeable on the BFF into the enemies in this situation.  But despite
that small amount of trepidation there is a starting point though on the
AcmeFerret site at http://www.acmeferret.com/saveBFFs/other.htm
We don't have a whole lot of web links preserved right now on the BFF but we
found a fair amount with just a bit of searching maybe a year ago.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2204]