Chris sez:
>this may be a silly questions, but it's been bugging me, so I have to ask.
>I recently read that cats have extra "whiskers" behind their front legs.
>Now upon examining Fidget (my ferret), I noticed that he had a few hairs
>growing from behind his front legs that looked and felt like whiskers.  My
>question is: are they?  or does he just have a couple of those stray, odd,
>hairs growing.
All 6 of mine have leg whiskers too.  And the cats.  Some book of cat lore I
have says that they help cats get around in dark places, much like face
whiskers - which are supposed to be useful in helping the cat sense changes
in air currents or vibrations that might indicate prey when sight/hearing
aren't the optimal senses for locating prey.
Maybe they are useful for ferrets hunting for rabbits in tunnels for people.
Who knows!
Off to check the dog for leg whiskers...
[Posted in FML issue 2217]