Hello everyone!
Edmund and I have been on the FML for almost a year now, and we sent in our
2 cents worth every once in awhile telling about all the little quirks of
our fuzzbutt baby Conner.  Well, he's not really that much of a baby anymore
(11 months old), but he's still our little munchkin.
Anyways, we would just like to introduce you all to the newest member of our
family.  His name is Milo and he's an 8 week old cinnimon (well, currently
he's a cinnimon, but he's coat is likely to change over the next few weeks).
He's a very talkative guy who even seems like he has conversations with you
when you talk to him.  He's also a very intelligent ferret, and always
answers to his name.  It's kind of neat when he comes charging at you after
you call him.  I think that Conner is taking notice, because all of a sudden
he starts answering to his own name (occasionally).  We've been trying for
the past 9 months to get Conner to come to us when called, but I think we
might of spoiled him too much, so he thinks he's above and beyond all of
I was just wondering.....How rough do ferrets usually play with one another?
I know that the older ferrets usually drag the new comer around a bit, but I
still get worried when I hear Milo's little squeeks.  Conner hasn't drawn
any blood, but he's pretty rough with the little guy.  We've had Milo for
almost a week now, and we always surpervise their play time, and they live
in separate cages for now, but I can't tell if Conner is jealous of Milo.
Between Ed and I, we give equal amounts of our time to each of the kids, but
maybe Conner feels that we love him less?
Well, if you can help me out with that, I would appreciate it.  I want them
both to be like brothers.  I know Milo loves Conner because he is constantly
following him everywhere.  Am I just being a paranoid mommy?
I'll write again soon, because Ed and I are taking the kids on their first
real vacation.  We found a hotel in Montreal, Canada that will allow us to
keep them with us.  It's a good thing, or else we would have had to leave
them at the grandparents house, and we would've missed them.
Take Care,
Brigette  :o)
Edmund    :-)
Conner    :)
Milo      :P
[Posted in FML issue 2216]